sunnuntai 26. helmikuuta 2012

Yes, I'm still alive!


Jej! Am happy to see that people from all over the world have been visiting my blog.... and so I decided to put a little extra effort on this blog and start writing in English (besides finnish ofcourse). Check out my profile to get the clue what this blog is all about.

Sooo... again another week has past here in Kolkata.
This week didn't start in the best possible way, since I got really sick. You know when you get that sick that you think you are going to die.... well yeah, that's about how sick i was, so i spent a couple of days in bed (actually hugging the toilet seat). But on Thursday i was back on my feet again and even went to work on one of the outdoor clinics. On Thursday I also visited a childrens orthopedic hospital and when I left, I cried the whole way back home. On Friday i worked at the Outdoor clinic again and even participated in one Women Peace Council in a village on the countryside...It was interesting, even though everything was spoken in Bengali, so I didn't understand a word!!!
Today I managed to get up pretty early, even if I went out last night with some of the other volunteers. At 10 o'clock we left to the Indian Botanic Garden with the children from  I.I.M.C. handicap center. On our way there, I once again felt like I wanted to choke our driver, since he was (once again) driving like an lunatic, which resulted to that two of the kids stared feeling sick and threw up in the car!!! Well after all that and getting lost on the way and ending up in the slum, we finally got to the Botanic Garden and the kids enjoyed it alot!  :)


Taas on viikko vierahtanyt taalla Kolkatassa. Viime viikko alkoi aika surkealla tavalla, silla tulin kipeaksi. Olin siis todellakin kipea, mulla oli kuumetta, ripulia ja oksentelin... eli ei mikaan paras mahdollinen fiillis! No, torstaina olin kuitenkin aikalailla ihminen taas ja jaksoin lahtea Outdoor centerille ahertamaan. Torstaina kavin myos tutustumassa yhdessa lasten Ortopedisessa sairaalassa, se oli aika tunteita herattava kokemus ja itkin koko matkan takaisin kotiin. Perjantaina osallistuin Women Peace Counciliin, se oli ihan mielenkiintoista, vaikka en tajunnut mita siella tapahtui ja mita asioita siella puitiin, silla koko tapahtuma oli Bengalin kielella... Lauantaina en tehnyt oikeastaan mitaan jarkevaa, paitsi kavin muutaman kaverin kanssa ulkona ja join vahan kaljaa.
Tanaan oli taas aika vauhdikas paiva. Me lahdettiin koko porukalla heti aamusta Kasvitieteelliseen puutarhaan Handicap centerin lasten kanssa. Matka sinne oli ihan jarkyttava, silla meidan kuski ajoi taas kuin mielipuoli, mika johti siihen etta kaksi lapsista oksenteli autossa ja muut alkoivat voida pahoin... Kaiken taman ja yhden matkalla eksymisen jalkeen (slummiin)loysimme vihdoin perille. Lapset olivat onnellisia paastessaan potkuveneilemaan puutarhassa olevaan lammkkoon :)

she lost her feet in a car accident

a boy who suffered from polio

Botanical Garden

Botanical Garden


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